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subscribed users can chat with support admin directly from the visiboo app.

Shopkeeper FAQs

What is Visiboo App ?


Visiboo is a app to give a means to shopkeepers to create their loyalty program, receive customer ratings and keep in touch with their customers. With Visiboo , even small shop owners can create their own loyalty program.

Does Visiboo acts as a points of sale software ?

No , Visiboo is not a replacement of POS system.

How can shopkeeper create their shop’s loyalty program ?

Shop owners can download the Visiboo app from playstore or app store and can create a free account ( Three months Trial )  , assign discount points to shop and he is ready to get ratings from his customers.

How does Visiboo work ?

Visiboo is a Visit Based Loyalty program , where on each visit , customer can provide feedback on the visit and gets visit points. Visit points received by customer can be claimed in subsequent visits. Claims are then honoured by shopkeeper on the payment.

Does Specific shops can only be registered on Visiboo ?

No, shops of all categories like Chemist, Saloon, Grocery , Restaurants or any other shop of any size any location can be registered on visiboo.

How much does visiboo subscription cost ?

Visiboo is Rs.100 per month ( no hidden cost ) to use for each shop. Customers of shop can rate shop and can use visiboo for free.  There is free trial also available and few discount plans for new Joinees.

What are Visiboo Points ?

Visiboo points are tokens to manage shop’s loyalty program. Visiboo points are not equivalent or represent credit in any manner but only a way to keep track of discounts provided by a shop to their customers.

What are shop points ?

Shop points are total points assigned by shopkeeper to its shop . This is the points pool from which customers can receive points on every visit.

What are Max Visit Points ?

Max visit points is the max limit a customer can receive points on single visit after giving a valid feedback.

What are Max Claim Points ?

Customers can claim points which he has received in his previous visits.  Max claim point is the maximum points a customer can receive on single feedback.  Customer can choose to claim less points also.

What are customer ratings?

When a customer visits a shop , he can review his experience and provide his feedback through Visiboo app.  

What is happiness Score ?

Combined score for a Shop provided by the customer through ratings.




Customer FAQs

Where can I find shops to give ratings ?

You can go in ratings and on scan screen select to search for shops . If the shop does not exit you can also refer shop for visiboo by sending invite.

Can I rate shops I have not visited ?

You cannot provide feedback to the shops you have not visited . although you can give feedback to a shop which you have previously visited.

What are claim points ?

When you give feedback to a shop , you may get visit points – provided shop is giving discount points. You can also claim points you have from the shop , after claim you can settle discounts with the shopkeeper upon payment.

Note: visi points are tokens to keep track of visits and discounts and are not equivalent to any currency.

Can I claim points from one shop to other ?

No , Visi points are specific to each shop and cannot be tranfered / received /claimed against any visit to other shops.

Is visiboo subscription required to give feedback to shops and receive discounts ?

No , visiboo subscription is for shop owners and visiboo is free to use for all customers visiting shops and giving feedbacks.